Who we are
Bangladesh Rural Primary Health Initiative is a charity established by a passionate group of British Bangladeshi Doctors. Our plan is simple; to create sustainable primary health care clinics in rural Bangladesh and touch as many hearts as we can by providing free care for the poor and needy. Currently BRPHI are setting up permanent GP surgeries in villages in Bangladesh. In other words, ‘GramGP’ clinics which are set up in the image of the NHS GP model.
Vision & values
1. Set up individual ‘GP’ clinics across rural areas
2. Create a sustainable primary health care system similar to the British NHS model
3. Create a national platform where other organisations can add clinics with similar objectives
4. Link up clinics to create a satellite of clinics and therefore, a health care system
5. Ensure the system is sustainable and financially self sufficient
Coming soon…
Our story
On the 14th off November 2019 Dr Kamali opened the first BRPHI clinic in a village called shaharpara, In the Sylhet division, Bangladesh and thus founded BRPHI.
Through personal trips to Bangladesh, our doctors and members found that all people presented with and suffered from advanced complications of disease which could have been detected and prevented very easily. The cost of treating these complications is very high and is particularly impossible for the poor. This leads to disability and death and ultimately severe poverty in poor families.
We realised that through early detection and prevention, we can pick up these basic conditions early on and treat them and manage them for a fraction of the cost. This in turn will make for a healthier family and reduce poverty in the family.
Research by John Hopkins University In Baltimore, USA found that non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes accounted for 8% of deaths in 1986. But in 2006 this increased to 68%. This continues to grow further.
We opened our clinic on the first day with great support from the local community and officials. We treated 150 patients on the first day seeing patients for free and giving out free medicines. We aim to focus on heart disease, stroke, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes and reduce related death and disability in the village population.
Since then we have opened another 5 clinics and have commitments for another 16 across Bangladesh.